【摘要】 目的:探究分析碱性磷酸酶结合血清钙检测对于疾病诊断的临床应用价值。方法:随机选取60例肺炎患儿及骨肿瘤病患者为观察组,60例非肺炎及非骨肿瘤病性变患者为对照组,分别检测其碱性磷酸酶活性和血清钙浓度。比较分析检测结果与疾病关系。结果:观察组的血清钙及碱性磷酸酶的阳性检出率高于对照组。结论:在疾病的检测中,碱性磷酸酶及血清钙的检测水平与疾病发生有密切关系。
【关键词】 血清钙; 碱性磷酸酶; 检测
Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated Serum Calcium Detection and Analysis on the Clinical Value of Diagnosis of Diseases/WANG Xiang-jun,YUAN Xian-fa,LI Shui-juan.//Medical Innovation of China,2015,12(16):146-148
【Abstract】 Objective:To explore phosphatase in bination with the clinical value of serum calcium detection for disease thod:60 children with pneumonia and bone tumers were randomly selected as observation group and 60 patients with pneumonia andnon bone cancer patients as control group,and 60 patients with pneumonia and rickets as control group,testing its phosphatase and serum calcium,st results were pared with those of the sult:The observation group of serum calcium phosphorus concentration was lower than that of the control group,the serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase positive detection rate was higher than that of the control nclusion:In the detection of disease,alkali esterase and serum calcium detection rate is closely related with the disease.
【Key words】 Serum calcium; Alkaline phosphatase; Detection
First-author’s address:Songgang People’s Hospital Jiyuan Community Health Service Center,Shenzhen 518105,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 随机选取60例喘息型支气管肺炎患儿及骨肿瘤病患者为观察组,其中喘息型肺炎患儿30例,骨肿瘤患者30例。60例患者中男35例,女25例。另随机选择60例非肺炎及非骨肿瘤病性变患者为对照组。支气管肺炎诊断标准:患儿临床表现为咳嗽或者伴有发热现象;肺部有湿??音;胸部X线片显示有斑点或者斑状的阴影。骨肿瘤诊断:经试验病理学检验证实。
1.2 标本采集及检测 于患者入院当天进行抽取3 mL静脉血,用肝素抗凝,然后才有Beckman-Coulter CX-7全自动生化分析仪对血清钙浓度和碱性磷酸酶活性的测定,试验所用全部试剂均有Beckman Coulte公司提供。按照目前使用的标准,血清钙的正常范围2.08~2.62 mmol/L;碱性磷酸酶活性0~500 U/L。
1.3 统计学处理 使用SPSS 18.0数据进行统计分析,计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用 字2检验,P